Chain Catcher

Chain Catcher

Part Number:


Regular price$13.95

Chain catcher fits between inner and outer felling dogs to provide improved strength. All felling dog pairs offered on our website have the provisions for the chain catcher (except single dog models).

Both FarmerTec and Stihl® brand chain catchers will fit your saw. 

Note: We guarantee our felling dogs only when running the chain catcher on all dual dog set-ups. Without the chain catcher, the outside felling dog is at risk for cracking due to excessive force. 

Installation Tip - Sometimes the sequence of how the dogs are installed on the saw can cause the bottom hole to not perfectly align with the chain catcher. We recommend bolting the inside dog to the case first. Then put the chain roller on the outside dog, then bolt up the outside dog to the clutch cover finger tight. After this, set the clutch cover onto the saw, allowing the chain roller to line up with the inside dog hole and tighten the outside bolts. This should make everything align so that the chain roller fits properly.

Stihl® is a registered trademark of Stihl® Incorporated and is used only to describe their products.  

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